Friday, March 25, 2011

I'm not creative

I'm not creative
I can't write
Words don't flow out of my pen
My narratives don't captivate
And I have no point to my stories
But if God is the Fashioner, maybe I can try.

I'm not creative
I can't paint
Colors don't jump from my brush
My landscapes are boring
And I have no imagination
But if I am created in the image of God, I think I can try.

I'm not creative
I can't dance
Beats don't pulse through my body
My movements are stiff
And I have no coordination
But if art is worshipping God, I think I should try.

I'm not creative
I can't sing
Melodies don't spring from my lungs
My voice carries no tune
And I have no vocal range
But if artists advance the affairs of mankind, I have to try.

God is the Fashioner, the Creator
I have been created in the image of God
If art is worshiping God
And artists advance the affairs of mankind
I help transform hearts with my arts
I will try.

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