Friday, April 25, 2008

Ridván, Convention, and a lot of pictures...

there's been a lot going on this week, and it's just the beginning. starting tomorrow, the delegates for the 10th International Bahá'í Convention will arrive, who will elect the Universal House of Justice. it is an absolutely amazing process of election, held every five years, with representatives from more than 170 countries coming, to cast their ballots in a very spiritual atmosphere. there are no nominations, no campaigning, and no discussion about which individuals should be elected - it is up to the individual representative to the best suited, people that are "of selfless devotion, of a well-trained mind, of recognized ability and mature experience."

being here as staff during this time is just an amazing blessing. we are able to volunteer with different functions, so we have the joy of being able to participate without being delegates. I'm so looking forward to it!

in other news, on monday we celebrated the first day of Ridván. I wrote about it last year, and not much of the historical context has changed. it is the most holy Bahá'í festival, and is also referred to as the "Most Great Festival" and the "King of Festivals". we spent it out in Bahji, and it was hot, but much appreciated.

I've also been able to take quite many photos from various places. as I'm not entirely sure how much time I will have by the computer, I have prepared a sample with some of my favorite shots, with links to the album:

looking out from the Seat of the Universal House of Justice:

lit up dome:
album, Seat at night

sketched moon behind the Shrine:

looking up the terraces:
album, Shrine area

just outside Collins' gate:

moonlight in Bahji:
album, Bahji shots

with my flatmates:
album, Ridván 2008


  1. the sketched moon behind the shrine is one of my favorites...its stunning! i actually stole it off your page and made it the desktop pic on my computer!! so....thank youuu! :)

  2. *smile*, glad you liked it!
