Monday, April 30, 2007

climate change and greenhouse effect

just saw an inconvenient truth, al gore's documentary about climate change and such. the movie in itself was quite interesting, hearing about what's going on in the world today, but his "reflective" moments weren't all that impressive. could've done without them...

tomorrow I'll be watching the great global warming swindle, to hear the other side of the story. there are some clear and indisbutable facts, such as that it is getting warmer, the ice is melting and things like that, but the question is - whose fault is it? how much have we affected things, and what can we do about it now?

there's a lot of stuff going around about al gore not living the way he "preaches". for example, check here. although hypocrisy is never good, that doesn't take away the urgency of what's going on with the planet.

as human beings, we have a great responsibility to take care of our planet. God has created the planet and set certain physical laws that govern how things work. as any sort of law - physical, social, spiritual - all actions we make have their reactions and consequences. we have to be careful so we don't go too far in starting processes we can't reverse...

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