Monday, April 02, 2007

is "youtubing" going to be the next verb?

it has happened quite a few times now, that youtube is being used as a social tool at different sorts of gatherings. it almost always starts the same way, someone says "oh, I saw this really cool clip on youtube, it's soooooo funny!" and then looks it up and shows it.

then follows a cavalcade of videos; everyone has their own favorite piece of something funny/strange/crazy/cool. if you're a decent amount of people (3-4 is usually enough), you can go on for at least an hour or two... it's actually a quite nice way of entertainment - no effort is needed ;)

in other news, I was on my first football leadership course yesterday. it was... okay. quite fun to go out and play a bit (lovely weather), and the theoretical part wasn't all too bad either. since it was the first step, it was mostly directed towards training kids that are around 7-9 years old, so in a way it wasn't all too relevant for me (my kids are turning 12 this year). but there were still some tips and suggestions I picked up that I will be able to use. it's always better with some training and education than none.
there will be two more courses in mid-may, which I might be going to. not too sure about it, would be nice to have a free weekend for once, but on the other hand, football is fun!

1 comment:

  1. this is of course in reference to "to google" which is an accepted verb, defined as to "search the internet (for information) using the Google search engine" (
