Thursday, June 12, 2008

photo idea

we've all seen pictures of people jumping up and everyone being in the air while the photo is taken. those are fun and creative, but there's a bit of a feeling of "been there, seen that" now I think, even though they sometimes do create quite awesome shots.

so what would be a cool thing to do then? I think a wave-looking formation could potentially turn out really well, something along the lines of what is commonly referred to as an audience, or mexican wave:

what do you think, wouldn't that be cool?

edit: I perhaps posted it in a bit of a rush yesterday, so a bit of clarification: I obviously meant to take a wave-like shot of people jumping, so you'd have a few just starting to jump, a few further up in the air, and then at the end people already on their way down. taking a picture of a couple of people doing a mexican wave would indeed be boring and even more so along the lines of "been there, seen that"...

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