Sunday, October 21, 2007

I'm a collector

ok, I've started packing, and I've realized that I'm very bad at this kinda stuff. going away somewhere for just a week or so is no problem, because then I only need to bring clothes and some extra things. but going away for a long time...

I've spent half the weekend looking at things, and throwing some out. (the other half was spent with sports-related stuff, most notably squash.) and no matter how much "junk" I throw (I mean, come on, boarding passes for flight tickets 5-6 years back?), there's still a whole lot of I-don't-know-what left. I would say it's quite a relief to be able to finally look at things and say "I don't think I'll ever have any use for this" and then throw it in the bin. needless to say, I haven't been good at that at all previously.

now I've pretty much put down everything that's not clothes in a suitcase. and I almost filled it up... I think it's going to be very difficult to get it all under 20kg (which is what I have), but I hope to be able to sweet talk my way into getting at least a little bit more. (and by "sweet talk" I mean telling them I'm going to be a religious volunteer and be away for 2.5 years.) we'll see how that goes...

tomorrow's going to be insane. I have badminton at 7.30 in the morning, and then I'm going to drop by work to see my mates there. afterwards I'll probably head back home, try to take care of stuff (not sure exactly what), and then I have squash again at 4.30 in the afternoon... got one, possibly two, friends coming over tomorrow evening, going to visit my 2nd mom, and then probably staying up all night with my brother to watch nfl before he takes me to the airport. that's packed!

but now, bed.

1 comment:

  1. Have a safe trip. I hope you go on blogging from Israel.
