Sunday, June 10, 2007

buying loyalty, and a bit more...

I never thought it'd be so easy to buy my loyalty. I always thought I'd stick to what I believed was best, regardless of any other circumstances.

now I realized it isn't so. after starting to work at aftonbladet I have started reading, which is their (our?) free daily paper, a competitor to metro. I used to think that metro was the better paper (at least compared to the third competitor, city), with better language and good reports other than the "standard news".

but now I take over metro when I have the choice, and I'm not sure I do think it's a better newspaper. (as for aftonbladet vs expressen, imo aftonladet is far superior.) it's got its advantages, but I definitely feel that I have been affected by where I work. not good...

in other news, yesterday proved to be a very interesting day. we had a seminar with short talks about different topics (spirituality, consultation, advancement of women, obedience, etc), with about 10-15 people showing up. my talk about consultation was quite okay I suppose, might type it up and post here, if I remember what I said...

also went to a houseparty at an old classmate's place, whom I hadn't seen for two years or so. small apartment, many people, good amount of snacks, chips and candy. what was really interesting was sitting and talking with his younger brother and a friend of his. we talked for more than an hour about everything, climate, media, celebrities, the world, etc. when we got into religion, she had to go (it was quite late). I figured I'd go with her and keep on talking, and we did for about half an hour more. we had really interesting discussions, and hopefully we'll meet up again to talk. it should be giving :)

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