Monday, May 07, 2007

the monthly monthly, part 4

time for it again!

spring cleaning
the day of my 4th month here coincided with spring cleaning for our building. decided that I'd help out by sweeping the parking and stuff just outside (had a list to choose from), and despite my finger being swollen I managed. went a bit slowly at times and with a few rests, but turned out well in the end. was nice to see a few of the neighbors, and despite setting four hours of planning for it, it only took us two hours to basically get it all done. so that was good.

a friend of mine said that every guy needs a dishwasher. I added "or a wife". unfortunately, that's true... I thought I'd manage, but it's all the time playing catch-up. have to be able to set aside some time to finish it all up and then start from the beginning. can't have it the way it is now :)

shopping habits
I think it must be kinda strange to see me go grocery shopping. since I don't really do any big shopping sprees, the stuff would get too old if I did, I only buy what I need for then and 2-3 days forward. this means that my shopping lists are quite strange, to say the least. orange juice, bread, and toilet paper. or chocolate, cheese and pasta, etc etc. you get the point :)

it's kind of interesting to see how my evenings and weekends are passing by. it's become pretty much the same now, since there is always football practice on monday and wednesday evening, and usually at least one game per weekend. in addition to that, I try to do my own sports (basketball, football, squash, etc), and some mornings I go to the gym for a bit of workout (stairmaster!). the remaining evenings are usually for watching sports on tv or meeting up with some friends. although I sometimes wish I did have a few more evenings free, I don't mind this. got invited back over to my parents tomorrow as well for dinner, and I can't really say no to that, can I? ;)
although I do wish I could arrange more time for reading. I'm reading on trains and subways and whatnot now, but I feel it's not really enough. want to do more. we'll see how it turns out.

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