Monday, January 09, 2006

choices, choices...

so I have some choices to make... and quite big and important ones. here they are:
  • english/swedish: my tutor said that I could write in whatever language I feel comfortable with, so it's up to me. here's the link to my original thoughts about it... can't decide, but it's leaning towards english right now actually...
  • mysql/access database... there's a big problem for me... I'm used to access databases and can use it running locally on my computer, and can easily import the excel data that we're using right now into it. in a completely unrelated event, I created a forum a while ago (something they asked for in the workshop), which is using an access database, and that means I won't have to redo that one. however, the uses mysql, and since the whole system will eventually be transferred there it's probably what I'll have to implement it in sooner or later... question is if I should do it already now or maybe wait and do it later? not sure how difficult it is to learn how to use mysql, but it's another extra thingie, beyond the other things I already have to learn...


  1. program it with what you already know. You have to be sure that if there is a problem while writing it you can find the problem and fix it.. Learning another program now will only complicate the issue.

    later, once you have worked out all the bugs and know it will run properly, you can translate it to the mysql and know that it is a programing error that is causing a problem and not the design itself.

    *wonders if that made any sense at all*

  2. sounds like a good idea... I'll probably go for that. and english I think... :)

  3. english is so overrated.. good god, just go with the language that suits YOU, not the report, not your english speaking amigos, not the kurds of iraq - SWEDISH!

