Monday, July 09, 2007

is facebook evil?

long, long time ago, I wrote and said that facebook is evil. after spending some more time facebooking, I came to the conclusion that it really is very evil. but... it can also be used for good. Baha'u'llah says:

"The civilization, so often vaunted by the learned exponents of arts and sciences, will, if allowed to overleap the bounds of moderation, bring great evil upon men... If carried to excess, civilization will prove as prolific a source of evil as it had been of goodness when kept within the restraints of moderation... All other things are subject to this same principle of moderation."

so it's up to us how we want to use everything that we have. facebook is nothing but a tool, that we can choose to use whichever way we want. if we use it to just waste time and nothing else, then indeed it is "evil". but now recently I've started to use it to promote activities and upcoming events. I've also gotten in touch with people from high school/junior high that I haven't heard from in 5+ years, which is always a great source of joy.

I suppose the best "proof" of facebook's usefulness was when I used it to check if anyone could help me out next week. I'm going on vacation for two weeks (more of that later), and have a 6 hour layover in london. I was hoping to be able to visit the resting place of the Guardian of the Baha'i Faith, but have no idea if I will be able to make it there and back (it's quite a trip, and with all the security checks and so, I might need some extra time). so I created an event, and hopefully it'll help me out :)

all the things that we have in this world, are for our use. it's entirely up to us how we choose to use them - if we do it for good purposes, then nothing in this world is evil.

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