Monday, March 03, 2008


ratatouille is a cute movie about a rat that happens to have a fascination for cooking. with a bit of luck, both good and bad, he gets lost from the rest of his rat friends and family, and ends up helping a garbage collector cooking at the most famous restaurant in paris, gusteau's.

we get to follow their adventures together, a bit of rough times and then a happy ending (what did you expect, it's a kids' movie :-P). I suppose one could have the moral of the story to be that honesty always is the best solution. even though it might not work out the way you expected it to, it always does in the end.

it's gotten good reviews on imdb (8.3/10), and I'd say it's worth watching. cute and funny at times, and then a little bit of sadness here and there. leaves you with a smile :)

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