Wednesday, August 01, 2007

changing patterns and habits

referring to this post, how does one go about in changing patterns of and subjects of conversation? habits are easy to make, and hard to break. does one just say "uhm, I want to talk about more serious/interesting/spiritual stuff"? because talking about such topics creates a closer, deeper bond between people than just superficial stuff. not saying one should take it to an extreme, it's good and fun to talk about other things as well every now and then, but there should be the right balance and mix.

so, how do I go about? any suggestions?


  1. I don't think the point is to actually have conversations about "ideas".
    "Great minds discuss ideas" means that you have your own ideas, rather than just think about events that have been ideas of others.
    There are so many people that find others (often celebrities) so interesting, that they forget about living their own lives and instead they focus on whatever other people are doing ("small minds discuss people"). Great minds, however, find a way to create their own ideas, instead of living through others.

    So it�s not really about finding a way to discuss interesting stuff with others. It�s about being aware of your own ideas and be sure that you have own ideas.

  2. There are mainly two ways that I can think of now, one is by the power of will, and the second is by the power of love. If the power of love is enkindled by the constant aspiration towards spirituality, the habits will be washed away in this process. If using the power of will, there has to be a strategy. A systematic strategy needs to be planned and followed at all times and under all conditions (within the frames of common sense).

    I would say that the best thing is if it becomes a natural process. If locked upon as an effect and not as a cause, then one can focus upon that which ignites the process.

    We are like mirrors, if we contemplate and spend time on reflecting upon great ideas then naturally this will be reflected, and those who surrounds us will in time be drawn to these subjects and thoughts.

    If it becomes a natural part of you, people will seek your company, knowing that time spent with this man will not be in vain, and find it a haven for growth.
