Wednesday, February 21, 2007

exclusive! me!

I just got my hair cut by gustav at sachajuan. if you don't know yet, it's part of a mini makeover thing for aftonbladet. we were three guys with different hair lengths (one guy hadn't cut his hair for *seven* years) who got our hairs cut and a bit of fixing and styling. quite a lot of fun.

I was really impressed by the hairdresser, he almost cut everything by hand. only the sideburns and a little bit in the end was done with machine. he was extremely precise in his cutting, and really used his whole body and put his entire attention into it. it was really interesting to see him, really using all his skill and cunning to do as good of a job as possible. I also asked how long it took him to decide what kind of style to give a person, and he said it came instantly. no thinking or dividing between any options. cool example of using intuition.
he commented that my hair was really thick and curly, so it took almost an hour and a half to get it done. and then some more for the styling. I was just sitting and studying him during almost all that time.

the hairstyle is a "french crop", whatever that means. I like it, it's short and looks kinda cool. I'll have pictures up tomorrow, and I think it'll take around 3-4 weeks until it comes out in the paper. they're going to e-mail me the pics as well.

the pictures we took were also quite interesting. two group pics and two sets of individual pictures (two different hair styles), and they powdered my face before... gotta get it washed away. but the photographer was also very encouraging all the time (and even more so the one who took the before-pics). all the time "that's great", "yes", "just like that". it really made things a lot easier and more pleasant. it's great to see people who take their work really seriously and really try their best all the time at it.

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